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Showing posts from April, 2021

Settling in Adams City.

 The way the story is told in local histories, in about 1880 a Mr Adams, first name unknown, stopped along the wagon trail at a water spring, set up residence, and filed for a homestead. It's reported that he built a hotel and ran a dairy. With developing technology, it's now possible for us to view a copy of Mr Adams filing, from the Bureau of Land Management. Mr Joseph D Adams filed this document on June 1, 1882, for 40 acres within Section 16 of Township 9 North, Range 71 West, in Larimer County, Colorado. The signature of Chester A. Arthur, the President of the United States, was attached and attested by S.W. Clark, Recorder of the General Land Office. No mention is made of Section 16 as a school section , as required by the Act of May 20, 1785, the Western Land Ordinance, as passed by the United States Congress. Technically, this filing was not done as a Cash Entry, rather than under the conditions of the Homestead Act of 1862. According to the text here, the registration...